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February 2, 2025

Want Cute Pets? Learn about the Rabbit Price in India

rabbit price in India

Rabbits are one of the world’s most genuine animals, which is why so many people love to pet them. If you want them as well, we can provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision.

What is the rabbit price in India?

  • The price of a rabbit in India can range from Rs. 150 to Rs. 1000. 
  • On average, one rabbit costs Rs. 500, although prices vary depending on a variety of criteria such as where you buy, whether you buy from breeders or pet stores, and so on.
  • Also, India is a huge country with several states, and prices vary depending on the availability of rabbits at pet stores.

The varied price range

Let’s have a look at the factors that determine pet rabbit prices in India:

  • Rabbits with a proven pedigree are more expensive

Purebred rabbits with pedigrees are more expensive than mixed breeds. A few rabbit owners are willing to pay more for pedigrees if they desire to breed their rabbits later.

  • Bunnies with rare colours cost more

Many rabbit breeds are available in a variety of colours, that is why they are more costly.

  • Winner ancestors are more expensive

All purebreds are not created equal. Bunnies born to award-winning parents and grandparents are more expensive.

  • Vaccinated rabbits are pricey

The majority of bunny owners get their adorable little pet vaccinated against common rabbit diseases, and if the rabbit has already been vaccinated, it may be more expensive.

  • Rabbits with microchips are pricey

The vet inserts a painless microchip under the rabbit’s skin so that if you lose your rabbit and it is found, the microchip may be scanned and the contact information recovered.

Dogs and cats have collars, but rabbits don’t. As a result, if your pet becomes lost, the microchip is the sole means to track him down.

To change the contact information, the original owner transfers the microchip to you. It will cost you roughly Rs.4000 to have the rabbit microchipped, therefore having a bunny with a microchip will be more expensive.

  • The cost of desirable breeds is high

Some qualities of each rabbit breed make it popular. These characteristics vary in intensity from one rabbit to the other. The lionhead rabbit, for example, is well-known for its thick mane.

  • Rabbits that have been trained are expensive

All rabbits can be litter trained, but even if they are, they may have accidents, so be aware of this before purchasing one. A well-trained rabbit leaves far less of a mess than an untrained rabbit.

Is it legal to keep a rabbit as a pet in India?

In India, imported rabbit breeds are legal to own as pets, while local wild rabbit breeds are not. Rabbits endemic to India are classified as “wild” and “protected” under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. In India, Albino rabbits are preferred by the owner mostly. 

Is having a rabbit as a pet a wise idea?

Rabbits are excellent pets since they are social animals who enjoy connecting with their human relatives, as well as being clean and low-maintenance. They’ll need plenty of room to run about and a litter box, as well as hay to eat. They can be playful and gregarious creatures, but you must be willing to devote a lot of time to them.

Breeds of Rabbits

There are different types of breeds of rabbits in India :

  1. Holland lop
  2. Mini Rex
  3. Dwarf Hotot
  4. Dutch lop
  5. Mini lop
  6. Netherland dwarf
  7. Mini satin
  8. Lionhead
  9. Polish
  10. Jersey woolly
  11. Harlequin
  12. Havana
  13. Himalayan

Learn about the Breeds

1. Holland lop

Holland lop rabbits are a popular breed among rabbit enthusiasts. They are native to the Netherlands. They have a nice demeanour and are cuddly. A few coastal locations of India are home to this rabbit breed. It ranges in weight from 1 to 2 kg. It’s just like any other rabbit in terms of size.

2. Mini Rex

In India, Mini Rex rabbit breed is one of the most popular. This breed ranges in weight from 1.5 to 2 kg. They have a delicate and serene demeanour. This breed doesn’t require a lot of grooming and is simple to look after. They live for 5 to 7 years on average.

3. Dwarf Hotot

In India, this rabbit breed is one of the most active. It is quite sociable and has a strong attachment with its owner. This breed has a high risk of malocclusion, which need timely treatment. The bunny breed has a lifespan of seven to ten years.

4. Dutch lop

The Dutch Lop rabbit weighs between 2 and 2.5 kg. They are gentle and outgoing, so making friends with them is simple. This rabbit breed necessitates daily activity and careful care. This breed has a lifespan of 5 to 8 years and is prone to rabbit problems. It is one of the most popular rabbit breeds in India and an excellent pet choice.

5. Lop Mini 

This rabbit breed weighs between 2 and 3 kilograms and is around the size of a bunny. People love to cuddle Mini Lop since he is a super-soft rabbit, and he enjoys being cuddled as well. It is a very energetic breed that chews food quickly. The Mini Lop can be found in densely forested places and has a lifespan of 5 to 10 years, with only a few health issues.

6. Himalayan

Himalayan breed only found in India and the weighs of rabbits is between 1 and 2 kg. It’s quiet and patient. Some people are overly energetic and like interacting with children. Keep in mind that the Himalayan rabbit is sensitive to cold and wind, so keep it out of the cold. This bunny breed has a 6-year life expectancy.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ): 

Q. What rabbit is right for me?

  • There are various breed which is good for you like 
    • Mini rex 
    • Holland lop
    • Dutch lop
    • Lop mini and many more. 

Q. Is it true that rabbits can be litter box trained? 

  • Rabbits are excellent indoor pets, like cats and dogs, and they can also be litter box trained.

Q. What factors impact successful litter box training? 

  • Rabbits enjoy eating hay while also pooping. Place hay directly in the litter box over the litter or in a hay box adjacent to the litter box to encourage excellent litter box behaviours. If you’re going to use a hay box, make it so the rabbit has to hop into the litter box to get to the hay.

Yes, rabbits are a great pet for city dwellers who are always on the go for work and socialising. While the owner is away, the rabbits keep happy in their huge cage.

They are most active at sunrise and sunset, when the majority of people are awake. Its timetable corresponds to that of their owner. Litter-training rabbits are as simple as litter-training cats. Also, if you’re considering adopting a rabbit, make sure you get two of them because rabbits are gregarious animals who can become lonely if left alone.

Supurna Sinha has been working with writing challenged clients for over three years. She writes SEO articles for businesses that want to see their Google search rankings surge. Her educational background in science has given her a broad base from which to approach many topics.